Eco-friendly Scented candles

Eco-Friendly Scented Candles: The Ultimate Guide to What to Look For and Why They Matter

When you light a candle in your home- it's like you have created a small, soothing oasis in your safe space. But what if that relaxing candle would also benefit the planet? Yes, eco-friendly candles exist, not only do they light up your mood and set up a relaxing atmosphere, but they are also sustainable. You can save planet earth by just one small step, opting for sustainable candles. This article will explain all about eco-friendly scented candles. 

Importance of Eco-Friendly Scented Candles

There must be a question buzzing in your head, why choose eco-friendly candles, why not others? So, here’s the answer to your question. You do not want to bring harmful chemicals into your home and pollute your environment. You would rather prefer something harmless, like organic candles. Moreover,  It's also because of their importance that sustainable candles matter. 

Healthier Indoor Quality: Traditional candles are often made from paraffin wax. It Releases harmful chemicals like benzene and toluene when burned. This wax can have a harmful impact on your overall health. On the other hand, natural waxes burn cleaner, produce less soot and do not release toxins. These organic choices can save your environment and health. 

Support for a Healthy Environment: Did You Know? Paraffin wax is actually a byproduct of petroleum, a nonrenewable source. The production and burning of paraffin wax candles increases carbon emissions, impacting the environment. Whereas, natural waxes are made from renewable sources, have a lower carbon footprint, making them a sustainable option that reduces environmental impact. 

Longer Lasting and Cost Effective: Natural waxes burn typically for a longer period than paraffin, elongating hours of relaxation from the candle. However, sustainable scented candles may be slightly expensive, but their long and clean burn makes them cost-effective. The extended lifespan means fewer replacements and less waste, hence making them environmental-friendly. 

Non Toxic Materials: Many conventional candles contain synthetic fragrances and dyes, which can release toxic compounds when burned. These toxic chemicals can cause allergic reactions or other severe health problems. On the contrary, eco-friendly candles use natural fragrances derived from essential oils. This results in a pure natural scent which is relaxing, safe and healthy. 

Aesthetically Pleasing: Now, eco-friendly candles do not mean ‘boring’, but these candles come in various shapes and jars, adding beauty and aesthetic appeal to your home decor. 

What to look for when shopping for organic candles? Read below!

Tips for Selecting Eco-friendly Scented Candles

When shopping for a healthy, organic candle, you need a list of things you can check to rule out the eco-friendly candles. Here are tips you need to keep in mind to select the best organic candles. 

Eco-friendly wax: Like we said paraffin is a big-no. Then, what should you choose? Natural waxes like soy wax, beeswax, coconut wax or grapeseed wax are the best choices. These materials are biodegradable, and are made from renewable material. 

Natural Fragrance: Check the ingredient list, make sure the candle’s scent comes from essential oils or natural plant extracts rather than synthetic fragrances. Scents like rosemary, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus or thyme will provide clean, authentic aroma and better quality of life. 

Also, here’s an additional tip for you. If the label mentions “Phthalate-free” or “100% essential oils”, then congrats! You found perfect eco aroma candles

Non Toxic wick Selection: A wick is the heart of a candle, if it's made from harsh chemicals, then your home will be enveloped in toxicity. Look for a wick made from cotton, hemp or wood. Metal-core or lead-core wicks should be avoided at all cost, because they release harmful substances in the air. 

Test Packaging Material: Every little thing matters, in keeping your home and environment safe and healthy. Choose candles that have reusable or recyclable materials in their packaging. Glass jars or tin containers are the best organic materials. Moreover, some companies offer candle refills too, allowing you to reuse the container. 

Eco-friendly scented candles can change your life and the lives of your family. We have discussed the importance and tips for choosing organic candles. Now, let’s see why they matter that much?

Why Eco-friendly Scented Candles Matter?

This is a bonus heading, looking at things on a larger scale and a slightly different perspective. So let’s discuss how one small step, like how choosing eco-friendly candles, can affect the whole world. 

Promoting Biodiversity: The ingredients used in environmentally friendly scented candles comes from an environment that uplifts biodiversity. For example, beeswax encourages the health and sustainability of bee populations, which are important for pollinating many plants and crops. 

Reducing Waste: Eco-friendly candles often use minimal or sustainable packaging, reducing the amount of waste generated. This not only reduces strain on landfills, but also promotes a circular economy where products are reused or recycled


We are living in a world where every choice counts, choosing eco-friendly scented candles is a small but significant way to make a difference. Choose an organic candle from Candle Wicks Store and have a whiff of fresh and healthy air. By opting for sustainable, non-toxic and ethically sourced candles, you are not just enhancing your home and health - you are contributing to a healthy planet as well. Whether you are purchasing candles for relaxation or to set up a romantic mood, naturally crafted candles will be the best choice you will ever make. 

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